Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Cherry Mobile Fusion Bolt: Maximizing your Benchmarks

How was your Cherry Mobile Fusion Bolt experience so far?  We saw a lot of people coming from SM North EDSA and Robinsons Manila.  And the first 50 buyers gets a powerbank as a freebie.  While the people are having a hard time now in owning this Cherry Mobile Fusion Bolt Quad-core tablet, I have tried to flash the ROM of this tablet to check if this will further improve from the original AnTuTu benchmark that I have posted last night.
Cherry Mobile Fusion Bolt stock benchmark from AnTuTu
You can see that it is only rated 5,378 AnTuTu benchmark.  But can we still maximize this one to get a better performance from this new hot device in the market.  So since there was a suggestion from one of the readers a while ago, I have decided to flash the ROM using some tools for this device that we have.  I have used the Quadrant Standard and AnTuTu for benchmarking this.  So we have this results now:
Fusion Bolt Quadrant Flashed
Cherry Mobile Fusion Bolt Flashed ROM in AnTuTu Benchmark
I got an AnTuTu result of 11,053 as compared to the 5,378 that I got from the unflashed ROM.  This was a double from the original so that is a good result so far.  And the result of the Quadrant Standard is 2,918, though I haven't checked the unflashed ROM for the Quadrant Standard (I suggest you can have this one checked before flashing your ROM to see the difference), I believe that this is a good result so far.
Cherry Mobile Fusion Bolt Flashed ROM in Quadrant Standard
picture credits:  unbox

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Just got my CM Fusion Bolt. What do you exactly mean by "flashing"? AFAIK, that means putting the ROM in the tablet. So are you saying that you put the stock ROM in in even if it still has the stock ROM installed?
